What is Life
When I was a teenager, one of the most striking question that came in my mind was, “What is the purpose of our consciousness and why are we even alive in the first place?”
I was overwhelmed by this thought and it stuck in my mind for many days and I desperately tried to figure out the sensible answer to this question, which satisfies my intellect of that time, and I figured
out a descent answer also. At that time, I thought that life is all about making it worth of living, it is something that we need to make great at the end of the day.
But now look back I realized something, it is our perspective and our experiences that makes us how we understand the whole concept of life. As our experiences grow our perspective of life also improves.
Now, its on a person that how much experience he has gained in his life time and how he understands the outcomes of those experiences, so for every person the meaning of life is different and one can agree
or disagree with his/her point of view, depending on one’s experiences.
Now, according to me at this stage of my lifetime, I perceive life as an open opportunity to gain as much experience as I can to improve my-self, life is like phases to me and different phases requires
different understanding level, the phase I am going through right now, asks me to learn as much as I can so that I can make a perfect version of myself. The more I experience I get right now; more it will
help me in the next phase of my life and the purpose of life will become clearer in my mind.
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The Real Love
We as humans talk about love and sympathy, there are movies made, plays written which glorifies the concept of love, but what I think of it is that, all of it is not real in the
practical world because there always comes a time when the person you think you love will betray you or you have to betray the person. It all just depends on the type conditions
and situation a person is in.
The concept of love is so much glorified by the movies and plays throughout the course of history that it becomes hard for me to believe this type of love can even exist,
one who creates a movie or a play make the audience to see and imagine the thoughts which they cannot experience in there real life because this is the only way one can make his/her
creation appealing to the mases. But this some how also affects our understanding and the way we perceive a particular concept showcased in the play/film. Now, due to such glorifications
one is never happy in his/her actual relationships because this is not working out for them as they have imagined it should be. This is the reason why many feel depressed in or after the
relationship is over.
People who live in this delusion either never understands the concept of love or take very long time to understand it, but once they understand it, they know that the real love is nothing
like what is portrayed from ages. If people understand this concept, they are always happy together, otherwise they are in continuous search of someone special in their life. So, this brings us
to the point that love is not something which comes automatically, it is developed due the course of time with understanding, faith and investment.
As it rightly said by Rabbi Dessler, “people often make mistake by thinking that you give to those whom you love, but the real answer is you love those to whom you give.”
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“We are living in the time, where we care more about our outer appearance than our inner self.”
I know that, it is important to look beautiful but it is very concept of one’s beauty has now depleted. We think that the beauty of a person is only judged by his/her outer appearance i.e.
how attractive some one looking. This thing so much deep rooted in our society that we don’t even notice it. We see ourselves making our social media profiles with so much investment of time
and even sometimes money because we want to show other people our best selves. We want attention and want ourselves to be noticed.
I am not saying that this is bad practice or not good but what we do wrong is that we try to improve ourselves only from the outer layer and never invest time to our inner self.
It is very rare to find people who practice introspection in their lifestyle and try to filter their thoughts. We are so much busy in the outer world that we even forget to realize that what our
mental and emotional state is? Is it as much beautiful and clear as out outer appearance? And this is also one of the main cause of unknown sad vibes that we feel sometimes.
If a we can introspect for even a small amount of time in a day about our actions, emotions, thoughts and feelings with calm mind we can be much happy in our life. We will be able to take much wise
decisions, we can be much clear about our actions and thoughts and more over we will never have to regret on out decisions that we make in our day to day life.
So, a good introspection can help us make ourselves much more beautiful and attractive.
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