Academic Syllabus

This page contains the list of main subjects that are included in my Academic Sllybus.

Following is the list of main subjects of my B. Tech. Academic Course.

  • Analog Electronics
  • Digital Electronics
  • Analog Communication
  • Digital Communication
  • Data Structures
  • Computer Architecture
  • Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logics
  • Control System
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Digital Image Processing

Following is the link to the PDF file that includes all information about my B. Tech. couse syllabus and the topics that in have completed during my whole Degree.

Note: Link to the Reults PDF / transcript will be uploaded soon.

Following is the list of main subjects of my M. Tech. Academic Course.

  • Information Theory & Coding
  • MEMS & Sensor Design
  • CAD of VLSI
Note: Remaining topics and the link to sllaybus will be uploaded soon.
Note: Link to the Reults PDF / transcript will be uploaded soon.

Research Projects

This page contains the list of Research Projects that I am contributing to and also some new possible research projects.

Following is the list of research projects that I have completed.

  • Soon

Following is the list of research projects that I am workin on currently.

  • The title of the paper is "A Deep Learning Based Approach for Automatic Detection of Covid-19 Cases using Chest X-Ray Images". This paper is currently under final drafting process and will be published soon. Given below is GitHub link for the project which is related to this Research Raper work.


Following is the list of new possible research projects.

  • Soon

Technical Activities

This page contains the list of Technical Activities that i have been part of during my Academic years.

Following is the list of Technical activities that i have been part of.

  • Joint Technical Secretary - ISTE NITH

    ISTE NITH is Indian Society for Technical Education, NIT Hamirpur. I have been a part of this society of my college from 2nd year of my college. Currently I am at the position of Joint Technical Secretary for this Society. I whith my team have organised and participated in various technical events. Not only this but we have also made many technical projects. The link to our website is given below, you can learn more aobut our society and our work there.


  • Member(Final Year) - VIBHAV

    VIBHAV is a Technical Club of our Department that participates in various technical events and we make various projects there. I have been the part of this club since my 1st year and held the position of Executive Member and Cordinator in this team. I and my team have made various technical projects. to learn more about our team and work you can visit our website. Link is provided below.


Cultural Activities

This page contains the list of Cultural and Non-Technical Activities that I have been part of during my Academic years.

Following is the list of Cultural activities that I have been part of.

  • Coordinator - Organization Club NITH

    Organization is Cultural Club of our Institution. It's main task is to organize the Instutional Cultural and Technical events. We mainly deal with Hospatility, Accomdation and Logistics. I have bee a part of this club since my 2nd year and worked as the Coordinator of the team in my 3rd year. Following is the Instagram page of our club.


  • Member - Rhythmeecz

    Rhythmeecz is the dance club of out Institution. I have been a part of this club in my 1st year and during my time there I have participated in various events with my team. Following is the link to the Instagram page of our club.
