
Welcome, this is the portfolio for Divyanshu Bhaik, you can also call me DV. My portfolio will help you take a quick look over my skill set and knowledge.

I am an Electronics and Communication Engineering Student, pursuing my integrated degree from National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh,India. I am keenly interested in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Electronics, Computer Science, and Communication. Also, I have a good knowledge of Mathematics and Physics.

I strongly believe that to achieve Progress in any field of the life, there must be a Passion and Purpose to your cause, and without deviation from the norm, Progress is not Possible.

I love the concept of "Open-Source" and actively do work in order to support and promote the same culture, Do check some of my WORK.



This part consist of the list of the projects that are made by me.
Please click on the Link below for more information.


This part consist of the list of internships that i have done.
Please click on the Link below for more information.


This part consist of the acadamic work that is done by me.
Please click on the Link below for more information.


This part consist of courses that i have done apart from my Academic sallybus.
Please click on the Link below for more information.


This part consist of the blogs that are made by me.
These blogs represents my views on different topics and the way is preffer to perceive different situations. Click the button below to go to my BLOG page.




Electronics and Communication Engineering

An enthusiastic and driven B. Tech. Student, currently pursuing my degree from National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur. Pronto considering an Internship in Computer Vision Deep Learning or Electronics and Communication to utilize and develop my Knowledge of AI and Electronics and Communication Engineering.
You can find me in CONTACT.


B.Tech. + M.Tech. (Integrated)
National Institute Of Technology, Hamirpur
07/2017 - Present | CGPA - 8.77 |Electronics and Communication Engineering


  • Python, C/C++ and Julia
  • System C, Verilog and VHDL
  • MATLAB, Simulink, COMSOL Multiphysics, ModelSim, EDA Tanner, LabVIEW, Keil uVision5, CST Studio Suite, LT Spice, Eclipse, VS Code, Anaconda and Adobe.
  • Microprocessor (Intel 8085,8086), Microcontroller (Intel 8051), Raspberry-Pi(IOT and Automation), Arduino-Uno, Intel Edison, Node-MCU, FPGA (Verilog).
  • Analog and Digital Electronics, Analog and Digital Communication, Data structures, Neural Network & Fuzzy Logic and Digital Image & Signal Processing.
  • Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision & Algorithms, Data Science and NLP.
  • Windows, Ubuntu, Raspbian, Kali, iOS and Android.


    COVID-19 Detection (04/2020 - Present)

  • This project is related to the field of Medical Image Processing where the classification of Chest X-ray images into three classes which are Normal, Pneumonia and COVID-19 is done. The concepts of Image Processing, Computer Vision and Algorithms, Deep Learning and Machine Learning is used in this project.
  • The future works includes the completion of the research paper on the same project, improvement of the pipeline used to increase the scores of performance parameters and testing of the pipeline on more transfer learning models.

  • Smart Road Assistant (10/2019 – Present)

  • It is a smart automated electronic device which is designed to predict the possibility of your car crashing into any other vehicle or any other object on the read. This technology is purely automatic and is based on various Deep Learning and Computer Vision Algorithms such as YOLO Algorithm, IOU and Kalman Filter etc.
  • The future developments will include the optimization of algorithm to also work under low light conditions (like when the light source is only head light or street light), improving the time of prediction and practical deployment of the project

  • Text to Braille (01/2019 – 03/2019)

  • This project includes a Deep Learning Character Recognition model with a pipeline implemented at back-end, i used an API from GitHub named Tesseract which implement all the pipeline with model, also the main two functions - order_points and four_point_transform. This does image pre-processing to make the captured real-time Image/Video look better for the pipeline which gives 2-D image output.
  • The detected characters are then saved as a word document and by using serial characters are also transferred to the arduino.
  • The arduino is programmed in such a way that it convert the input from the script into the related braille format and servo motors are used to make a braille patterns.



  • PROJECTS - GitHub

  • You can find detail on all of my work in WORK


  • Innovation Head - IRIC
  • Research and Innovation Council | 09/2019 - Present | NIT Hamirpur
  • Coordinator - VIBHAV
  • Technical Club of Departmant | 02/202018 - Present | NIT Hamirpur
  • Joint Technical Secretary - ISTE
  • Indian Society for Technical Education | 09/2018 - Present | NIT Hamirpur
  • Convener - Organization Club
  • Club responsible for organizing events in Institute | 09/2018 - Present | NIT Hamirpur
  • Member - Rhythmeecz
  • Dance Club of Institute | 09/2017 - 08/2019 | NIT Hamirpur


  • Event Management
  • Leadership
  • Organisation (Logistics)
  • Punctuality
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Innovation


  • Sports (Playing) - Volleyball & Football
  • Sketching
  • Dancing
  • Gym (Calisthenics)
  • Travelling

  • You can Download a soft copy of my Resume from here